UPDATE: Sol System v1.1
Decided to give our Home System a major update. All celestial bodies have new textures. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune now have working terrains, the rings of Saturn and Uranus are traversable. For the complete changelog please have a look at the included read me text.
INFO: Website maintenance
I am currently adding a new layout to my website. The individual subpages are temporarily unavailable, but will be added gradually in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
RELEASE: Borg Cube
Time for another toy to play with, this time a new Borg Cube. I wasn't really happy with the existing cubes for KA, so this is my rendition of it, roughly based on the cube from "First Contact". It has a ginsu and is well armed. Maybe in the future I will do another version of it, with a Borg Sphere you can launch as an escort.
PREVIEW: Borg Cube & Borg Cube
Something I am hoping to release in near future. So far I'm struggling with having the Borg sphere as an escort I can launch from inside the Borg cube while having moving door's on the cube. We will see.
INFO: Complete Site Overhaul
After more then ten years of using old web standards and not updating the site I have finally decided, that it is about time to update my website. Now my site uses modern HTML5 and CSS standards and more modern design. From now on you can also find all my mods I have done in the past for the game. Further all work in progress mods have been added to it.
RELEASE: Constellation Class
Initially started in 2009 it took me more than six years to finish this classic starship. The ship is a conversion of DR_McCoy1701-A's Constellation Class Pack for Star Trek - Bridge Commander. Adaption for Klingon Academy was done by me.
INFO: 10th Anniversary of m-y-galaxy
Can you believe it? This years it's been ten years that m-y-galaxy.de started as a small site. It was my first website an I had no experience in writing html. But in the end I was proud of what came out. :)
RELEASE: Space Environment Mod
This mod package contains numerous star systems I've done over the years. Initially it was planned to release further mod packages in the future but I decided to stay with releasing single star systems instead, so you have a better control of what star system you would like to download.
PREVIEW: Constellation Class
It's been eight month now since the release of my last mod. So here is my latest project, the Constellation Class. I saw this beauty on Bridge Commander Filefront and I had to convert it for Klingon Academy! Original author is DR_McCoy1701-A. You can see the current state of work on Klingon Academy.com.
RELEASE: Excelsior Class
Over years many Excelsior Classes for Klingon Academy had arrived. But I've always thought there is upside potential for it, especially for the textures. So here is my attempt of, in my eyes, one of the most beautiful ships on Star Trek.
PREVIEW: Intrepid Class
Another sexy looking ship with beautiful shapes and lines is on my to-do list, the Intrepid Class. One can say that Starfleet excelled itself with the ships design. My rendition of the ship will be fully functional, with moving up nacelles. Which btw is the hardest part to do. :-)
RELEASE: Akira Class
I've always liked the Akira Class. An interesting design and not available for Klingon Academy in good quality. Sources on the internet say that this starship class is a kind of shuttle carrier. With this mod you just don't get the Akira Class but Type 6 Shuttles too. You can launch four of them in combat for your support via the VOS.
RELEASE: Sovereign Class
It's ready, my all time favorite ship, the mighty Sovereign Class. The combination of design, speed and armament makes it a powerful weapon against almost all enemies. So far it is the biggest and most complex ship I've ever done. Blood, sweat and tears went into this as well as endless hours of testing. Enjoy this great ship.
PREVIEW: Sovereign Class
Since the earliest days of creating mods for the game it has been always my dream that one day I will do a Sovereign Class starship. Well almost four years later here we are. The texturing part is done, next on the to-do list are the spot lights for the registry and the ginsu. Check out the forum for the current status of work.
REWORK: Sol System
Two years ago my initial Sol System was released. At the time it was state of the art in terms of texture quality and game performance. Browsing the internet lately showed me there are better texture maps for the planets available now. The decision was made, the Sol System will be reworked. Now all planets appear in a new gloss and are optimized for performance.
RELEASE: Cardassian ATR-4107
The rocket has arrived! Thanks to the help of Commander Apollo and Kt'Hyla I could finally finished the little beast.
INFO: New Homepage is up and Running
Using moddersplanet.com for the last two years for making my mods available in the internet I've decided that it is about time to have an own homepage. Welcome to m-y-galaxy.de. On this site I will showcase mods for Klingon Academy and images of my second big passion, astrophotography.
PREVIEW: Type 11 Shuttle
Continuing on making more small vessels for the game here is my attempt of the Type 11 Shuttle. The mesh is really good but so far I am not really satisfied with texture work. Most likely there will be a complete texture overhaul in the future.
PREVIEW: Lysian Central Command
Considered to be my first starbase-release, the Lysian Central Command is coming along nicely so far. The texture work is almost done, though minor texture tweaks are still necessary. Next thing on the agenda are ginsu, weapons and lightning.
PREVIEW: Surak Class
Next to the Cardassian ATR-4107 I'm currently working on the Vulcan Surak Class starship. An elegant looking ship but hard to build in Lightwave. This will take some time to be ready for download. In this case patience is a virtue :-).
RELEASE: Warp Flash
Time for something different then creating starships or solar systems. This file will replace the stock warp flash from Klingon Academy with a more blueish one and is orientated on the warp flash as seen in Star Trek: Nemesis.
PREVIEW: Cardassian ATR-4107
Being fascinated of the capabilities of the little cardassian ship I really wanted to do it for the game. It was fun to build the ship in Lightwave and also to create the creatures. So far I came up with the following. Creating the energy field weapon the Cardassian ATR-4107 utilizes is something complete different...
RELEASE: Andorian System
Freezing Cold! Another founding member of the United Federation of Planets, the Andorians, now have an own star system in Klingon Academy. I've added the planets and moons according to memory alpha. The system lies relatively close the Sol and Andoria System.
RELEASE: Cardassia System
Our beloved neighbours in the Alpha Quadrant, the Cardassians, now have their own custom home systems. All planets and moons of the system are equipped with high quality textures as well as colour adapted planetary atmospheres.
RELEASE: Sol System
Home sweet home. After editing the sun and all the planets, moons, terrains, orbits, body periods and rotation periods of our home system it's finally done! It is based on the stock sol system but I've added the maximum number of planetary bodies that the game can handle. Also the new sol systems contains a more realistic looking celestial background.
RELEASE: Ferenginar, Qo'noS and Vulcan System
Here we have another three star systems ready to be explored. Two of them are old friends we already know from the stock game, the Qo'noS and Vulcan System. Both system have been completely overhaul, now using new custom planetary bodies and better textures. The third one is new, the home system of the Ferengi, the Ferenginar System.
RELEASE: Risa and Romulus System
While not being stock star systems in Klingon Academy I thought it would be nice to have these two systems ingame. Both the Risa and Romulus System are using custom planetary body meshes and textures of high quality.
RELEASE: Talon Class
Now Entering Neutral Zone! The Romulan Talon Class is ready for download. Equipped with two little surprises you will see when the ship is damaged this little ship is fun to fly! Thanks to diforce for helping me again here and there.
RELEASE: Norway Class
Only seen once on Star Trek (ST: VIII) and therefore being somehow shrouded in mystery, the Norway Class was my choice of being my first complete starship mod to release. I really like the design, so this is my attempt of this ship class. Also many thanks to diforce for helping me with the ginsu and minor tweaks and fixes.
RELEASE: Type 6 Shuttle
Another shuttle craft had arrived. This time it's the Type 6 Shuttle known from episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
PREVIEW: Talon Class
After making two little shuttle crafts for the game, it was really fun and helped me a lot in understanding how the things are working in the "modding business", this will be my first "real" ship. The Romulan Talon Class Scoutship as seen in some episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
RELEASE: Type 15 Shuttle
Small vessel mods are more rarely to find for Klingon Academy than big ones, I think. To further train my skills in KA modding and not being frustated for wanting to much at once, releasing another small vessel was a good choice. This time it's the Type 15 Shuttle as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Ladies and gentleman, I'm very happy to finally present you my first mod ever for Klingon Academy, the Air Tram from ST:I. Something simple for the beginning, to get used to Lightwave and all the other stuff to make it work. Many thanks to Aidan-Pryde and his endless patience for teaching me the ways of modding for Klingon Academy.
last update: 05. Jan 2019